Please note that you may have to pay customs fees by purchasing this product. Modern Art Abstract melting bronze sculpture by Salvador Dali clock balance. This product sheet is originally written in English. Please find below an automatic translation in French. If you have questions please contact us.
Condition: this sculpture is in perfect condition. Bronze dimensions with marble base: height 13 \With this sculpture, Dalí isolated the central image of his most famous painting and gave it the same title.
This is a form composed dune shows that on a bottom Darbre branch. In his own words, Dalí explains these images. Materialisation of time flexibility and indivisibility of time and space. The time is not rigid. He is one with the space - fluid. Under this sculptural form, Dalí examines the human perception of time - when we participate in enjoyable activities or work that absorbs our attention, time flies, but when we are mired in boredom, time passes.The flange watch \As a result, the speed of our time is up to us. This sculpture has been molded according to the \It is mounted on a marble base and signed Salvador Dali. Most orders are shipped within 24 to 48 hours of purchase. However, additional charges may apply. Please contact us before making purchases in these areas.
Please refer to the table \The item \The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.